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1.1. For the purposes of this public contract of sale, the following terms are used in the following meaning:

1.1.1. Agreement - this public contract of sale, which provides for the sale of Goods at a distance to an unlimited number of Buyers by means of remote communication (Internet) through the online store "LUX", posted on the website:

1.1.2. Goods - non-food consumer goods (underwear, home clothes, accessories and other goods), which under the terms of this Agreement are offered for sale at a distance by means of remote communication (Internet) in the online store "lux swiss".

1.1.3. Seller - Online store «lux swiss», placed on the website: Location, contact details and mode of operation of the Seller are listed in the section «Contacts» on the website: Online store «»

1.1.4. Buyer - any able-bodied person who, in the manner prescribed by this Agreement, at his own will, has fully accepted (accepted) all its terms without exception.

1.1.5. Recipient of the Goods - any able-bodied person specified by the Buyer in the relevant Order for the Goods as the recipient of the Goods.

1.2. For the purposes of this Agreement, all specified in paragraph 1.1. of this Agreement, the terms are used exclusively in the meaning specified in paragraph 1.1. of this Agreement, regardless of the use of these terms in the singular or plural, or in other grammatical forms, cases and / or constructions.

1.3. All other terms that are not separately defined in this Agreement are perceived and interpreted in their literal grammatical meaning based on the provisions of current legislation of Ukraine, business practices, as well as the purpose and subject of this Agreement.


2.1. In the manner and under the conditions established by this Agreement, the Seller undertakes to transfer to the ownership of the Buyer the Goods selected by him, and the Buyer undertakes to accept and pay for the Goods in the manner and under the conditions established by this Agreement.

2.2. Ownership of the Goods passes to the Buyer at the time of delivery (transfer) of the Goods and subject to full payment by the Buyer of the value of the Goods in the manner and under the conditions established by this Agreement.


3.1. The Buyer independently and at his own discretion selects the available and offered for sale in the online store "", clicks the "Add to cart" button and independently fills in and sends to the Seller the form "Ordering", which, in particular, must indicate your last name, first name and patronymic, your contact phone number, your e-mail address, the chosen method of payment, the chosen method and the desired place of delivery of the Goods (in case the Buyer wishes to receive the Goods with delivery), last name, first name and patronymic of the recipient of the Goods (in case the Recipient of the Goods will receive the Goods).

3.2. After filling in the "Ordering" form, the Buyer must carefully read all the terms of this Agreement, and in case of acceptance (acceptance) of these terms in full - click "Order", which is considered the fact of sending the Buyer the relevant Order for the selected Product.

3.3. This Agreement is considered concluded, and the Seller's offer to enter into this Agreement (offer) is fully accepted (accepted) by the Buyer from the moment the Buyer clicks the "Order" button on the website: online store "Lux Swiss".

3.4. By clicking on the "Order" button, the Buyer confirms his full and complete agreement with all the terms of this Agreement without exception, including the terms of delivery and payment for the Goods at the prices indicated on the website: of the online store "Lux Swiss" on the date of concluding this Agreement by the Buyer.

3.5. By clicking on the "Order" button, the Buyer confirms that he is in a convenient and accessible way in accordance with the requirements of Part 2 of Article 13 of the Law of Ukraine "On Consumer Protection" notified by the Seller of: - full name, identification code, location , mode of operation, e-mail address of the Seller; - main characteristics and consumer properties of the Goods selected by the Buyer; - the cost of the Goods selected by the Buyer, including all taxes and fees, as well as the cost of its delivery to the Buyer; - method, procedure and conditions of payment and delivery of the Goods selected by the Buyer; - warranty obligations of the Seller and other services related to the maintenance or repair of the Goods selected by the Buyer (if any); - warranty period and service life of the Goods selected by the Buyer, mandatory conditions of use of the Goods and possible consequences in case of non-compliance; - the procedure for accepting claims; - the period of acceptance of the proposal (offer) for the conclusion of this public contract; - the procedure for termination of this Agreement; - other conditions on which the Goods are offered for sale.

3.6. By clicking on the "Order" button, the Buyer confirms that he has fully and properly in accordance with the requirements of Article 15 of the Law of Ukraine "On Consumer Protection" received all necessary, accessible, reliable and timely information about his chosen Product, which in full provided the opportunity to consciously and competently choose this Product.

3.7. The Buyer's click on the "Order" button is considered unconditional and full acceptance by the Buyer of all the terms of this Agreement without exception, as well as the entry into the relevant contractual relationship with the Seller.

3.8. In cases provided by the current legislation of Ukraine or at the request of the Buyer, this Agreement is concluded in writing.

3.9. The term of processing and registration by the Seller of the Order for the Goods sent by the Buyer makes up to 2 (Two) working days from the date of filling and sending by the Buyer in the order established by item 3.1.-item 3.2. of this Agreement, the form of such Order for the Goods. If the specified Order for the Goods was sent by the Buyer on a weekend or public holiday, the term of processing and registration of this Order for the Goods begins on the first day after the weekend or holiday business day.

3.10.During the period established by p.3.9. of this Agreement, the Seller undertakes: - to assign a serial number to the Goods sent by the Buyer; - send to the e-mail address specified by the Buyer in this Order for the Goods, an automatic electronic message about the processing of this Order for the Goods, which indicates: - the serial number of this Order for the Goods assigned by the Seller; - information on the delivery time of the Goods ordered by the Buyer (if the Buyer ordered the Goods with delivery).

3.11. If the Buyer in the Order for the Goods has chosen a non-cash method of payment for the Goods, then within the period specified in paragraph 3.9. of this Agreement, the Seller undertakes to send to the e-mail address specified by the Buyer in such Order for the Goods an invoice for payment of the Goods ordered by the Buyer.

3.12. The Buyer has the right, by notifying the Seller, to unilaterally withdraw from this Agreement for the entire period from the moment of its conclusion (acceptance by the Buyer of the Seller's offer) and until the actual receipt of the ordered Goods.

3.13. In case of impossibility to fulfill the Agreement due to absence of the ordered Goods, the Seller must immediately notify the Buyer, but not later than thirty days from the date of receipt of the Buyer's consent to enter into the Agreement and, if the Buyer has already paid for the Goods, return the amount paid in full. In this case, all contractual relations that have arisen in one way or another between the Buyer and the Seller under this Agreement are considered terminated in full.


4.1. The buyer has the right to:

4.1.1. demand from the Seller full and proper fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement;

4.1.2. refuse to accept and pay for low-quality or incomplete Goods or Goods that do not correspond to the sent Order for this Goods;

4.1.3. in case of detection of defects of the purchased Goods during the established warranty period to demand from the Seller - or proportional reduction of the price of the Goods, or gratuitous elimination of defects of the Goods, or reimbursement of expenses for elimination of defects of the Goods;

4.1.4. in case of detection during the warranty period of significant defects of the Goods, which arose through the fault of the Seller - or terminate this Agreement, or require the exchange (replacement) of the purchased Goods for the same Goods of proper quality or other similar Goods offered for sale in the online store "Lux swiss";

4.1.5. to refuse this Agreement in the manner and in the cases provided by this Agreement and the current legislation of Ukraine;

4.1.6. terminate this Agreement in the manner and in the cases provided for by this Agreement and the current legislation of Ukraine;

4.1.7. in case of termination or refusal of this Agreement to demand from the Seller a refund of funds paid for the Goods;

4.1.8. to exercise other rights provided by this Agreement and the norms of the current legislation of Ukraine.

4.2. The buyer undertakes:

4.2.1. properly and in full to fulfill all its obligations under this Agreement;

4.2.2. before concluding this Agreement, carefully read its content and conditions, as well as get acquainted with the cost of the Goods offered for sale in the online store "lux swiss", methods and procedure for payment;

4.2.3. Before concluding this Agreement, carefully read the cost and methods of delivery of the Goods on the page "Delivery" on the website: Online store "lux swiss"

4.2.4. in the manner and on the terms established by this Agreement, to accept the ordered quality and complete Goods;

4.2.5. within the terms and in the manner and under the conditions established by this Agreement, to pay the cost of the ordered Goods;

4.2.6. during the warranty period to keep the relevant settlement document (receipt, commodity or cash receipt) confirming the sale (transfer) of the Goods;

4.2.7. perform other duties provided by this Agreement and the current legislation of Ukraine.

4.3. The seller has the right to:

4.3.1. to conduct Sales and offer Promotional offers that provide a temporary opportunity to purchase the Goods on more favorable terms than usual;

4.3.2. to exercise other rights provided by this Agreement and the norms of the current legislation of Ukraine.

4.4. The seller undertakes:

4.4.1. properly and in full to fulfill all its obligations under this Agreement;

4.4.2. provide the Buyer with complete and reliable information about the Goods and their value by placing this information on the website: of the Lux Swiss online store;

4.4.3. provide the Buyer with complete and reliable information about the cost and methods of delivery of the Goods by placing this information on the page "Delivery" on the website: Online Store "Lux Swiss";

4.4.4. within the terms, in the manner and under the conditions established by this Agreement, to ensure delivery of the Goods ordered by the Buyer to the place specified by the Buyer and in the manner selected by the Buyer in the relevant Order for such Goods;

4.4.5. within the terms, in the manner and under the conditions established by this Agreement, to ensure the transfer (delivery) to the Buyer or the Recipient of the Goods ordered by the Buyer of quality and complete Goods in appropriate packaging;

4.4.6. at the request of the Buyer to exchange (replace) the Goods of improper quality purchased by him for the same Goods of proper quality or another similar Goods from among the Goods available for sale on the website Online Store "Lux Swiss";

4.4.7. in case of termination or refusal of the Buyer from this Agreement to return to him the funds paid for the Goods in time, in the manner and under the conditions established by this Agreement;

4.4.8. perform other duties provided by this Agreement and the current legislation of Ukraine.


5.1. The cost of the Goods offered for sale in the Lux Swiss online store is given on the website: of the Lux Swiss online store (an integral part of this Agreement) and is set in the manner prescribed by current legislation of Ukraine.

5.2. The cost of the Goods offered for sale in the online store "Lux Swiss" includes all taxes, fees and any other, including non-tax, mandatory payments.

5.3. The Seller has the right to conduct seasonal or any other types of sales of the Goods offered for sale in the online store "Lux Swiss" (hereinafter - the Sale). In this case, the Seller on the website of the online store "Lux Swiss" must additionally indicate the following information (an integral part of this Agreement):

- which groups of Goods are put up for sale;

- duration of the Sale with indication of the start date and end date of the Sale;

- the normal value of the Goods put up for Sale and their value for the period of the Sale.

5.4. The Seller has the right to offer Buyers to purchase several Goods or a combination thereof, as well as to offer Buyers in case of purchase of a specific Goods specified by the Seller to purchase another Goods specified by the Seller at a reduced price (hereinafter - Promotional Offers). In this case, the Seller on the website: of the online store "Lux Swiss" must additionally indicate the following information (an integral part of this Agreement):

- the content and cost of the Promotional Offer, and in the case of offering to purchase several Goods at once or a combination of them for one price - the cost of such Goods for each separately;

- the conditions of acceptance of the Promotional Offer, in particular the term of its acceptance, as well as any restrictions on its acceptance, including restrictions on the number of Goods offered for purchase on such terms.

5.5. The value of the Goods ordered by the Buyer is equal for this Buyer to the value of this Goods specified on the website: of the Lux Swiss Online Store on the date of conclusion by this Buyer of this Agreement (acceptance by this Buyer of the Seller's offer) subject to reduction of normal value of this Goods as a result of the Promotional Offers and / or Sale introduced by the Seller (in case of their holding at the moment of concluding this Agreement by the Buyer).

5.6. From the moment the Buyer enters into this Agreement (Buyer's acceptance of the Seller's offer), the Seller has no right in any way and under any circumstances to change or otherwise review for this Buyer the value of the Goods ordered by him and the cost of delivery.

5.7. By filling in the form "Place an order" the Buyer at its discretion chooses one of the methods specified in the "Payment" on the website: online store "Lux" (an integral part of this Agreement).

5.8. Failure by the Buyer to fulfill its obligations to pay for the Goods ordered by him is considered a unilateral refusal of the Buyer from this Agreement in full, which, accordingly, results in termination of all obligations of the Seller arising from the Buyer's acceptance of the Seller's offer to enter into this Agreement.


6.1. If the Buyer has ordered the Goods with delivery, the Seller undertakes within the period specified in the relevant automatic electronic notice of processing the Buyer's Order for the Goods, but in any case not later than 30 (Thirty) calendar days from the date of the Buyer's acceptance of this Agreement. offers of the Seller) to deliver to the Buyer or the Recipient of the Goods and to transfer the ordered Goods in the place of delivery of the Goods specified by the Buyer in the corresponding Order for the Goods.

6.2. Delivery of the Goods is carried out by the Seller in the manner and to the place specified by the Buyer in the relevant Order for the Goods.

6.3. The Recipient of the Goods ordered by the Buyer is the Buyer or the Recipient of the Goods.

6.4. Delivery of the Goods, the value of which on the date of conclusion by the Buyer of this Agreement (acceptance by the Buyer of the Seller's offer) is equal to or exceeds 70 (seventy) euros, 00 euros cents, is carried out at the expense of the Seller.

6.5. Information on the cost and possible methods of delivery of the Goods (an integral part of this Agreement) is contained on the page "Delivery" on the website: of the store "Lux Swiss"

6.6. Delivery of the Goods ordered by the Buyer is carried out by the Seller by means of delivery service depending on the carrier, place and method of delivery specified by the Buyer in the corresponding Order for the Goods.

6.7. Delivery and delivery (transfer) of the ordered Goods by means of delivery service is carried out under this Agreement in accordance with the terms of delivery of goods established by the carrier.

6.8. The goods are delivered (transferred) to the Buyer or the Recipient. The goods are packaged.

6.9. Delivery (transfer) of the ordered Goods to the Buyer or the Recipient of the Goods is carried out only under the following conditions:

- payment by the Buyer of one hundred percent of the value of such Goods in the manner and under the conditions established by this Agreement;

- presentation by the Buyer or the Recipient of the Goods of the document certifying his identity;

6.10. If the ordered Goods do not correspond to the relevant Order sent by the Buyer for this Goods or the Goods are of poor quality, incomplete or have any defects, the Buyer has the right to choose:

- or withdraw from this Agreement;

- or require the exchange (replacement) of this Product for the same Product of proper quality in accordance with the Order sent by the Buyer for the Product or another similar Product, from among the Products available for sale in the online store "Lux Swiss".

6.11. The signature of the Buyer or the Recipient of the Goods on the second copy of the form Order for the Goods is an unconditional confirmation of the following facts:

- receipt of the ordered Goods by the Buyer;

- compliance of the ordered Goods with the Order sent by the Buyer for this Goods;

- the Buyer has no complaints about the quality and completeness of the ordered Goods.

6.12. The risk of accidental destruction, loss or damage to the ordered Goods passes to the Buyer from the moment of delivery (transfer) of this Goods to the Buyer or the Recipient of the Goods.

6.13. This Agreement is considered fulfilled at the time of delivery (transfer) to the Buyer or the Recipient of the Goods ordered by the Buyer of the complete Goods of proper quality, which fully corresponds to the Order sent by the Buyer for this Goods.


7.1. The Seller undertakes to transfer to the Buyer the Goods of proper quality ordered by him, suitable for use for the purpose for which such Goods are normally used.

7.2. The quality of the Goods must meet the requirements established for this category of Goods in the relevant regulations and regulations.

7.3. The Seller ensures the proper use of the Goods purchased by the Buyer during the warranty period established by regulations, regulations and Warranty obligations (an integral part of this Agreement) contained on the page "RETURN" on the website: atlantic-underwear. Online store "Atlantic".

7.4. In case of detection of defects of the purchased Goods within the established warranty period, the Buyer has the right to demand:

- proportional reduction of the price of the Goods;

- gratuitous elimination of defects of the Goods;

- reimbursement of expenses for elimination of defects of the Goods;

- replacement of the Goods;

7.5. The Buyer's claims are not subject to satisfaction if the Seller proves that the defects of the Goods have arisen due to the Buyer's violation of the rules of use of the Goods or the conditions of its storage.


8.1. The Buyer has the right within 14 (Fourteen) working days from the date of receipt of the ordered Goods of proper quality (excluding the day of receipt of the Goods) to exchange this Goods for another similar Goods from the Seller, if the received Goods did not satisfy the Buyer in shape, size, style, color or for other reasons, or the Goods cannot be used by the Buyer for their intended purpose.

8.2. The exchange of goods of proper quality is carried out if it has not been used and if its marketable appearance, consumer properties, seals and labels are preserved.

8.3. The list of Goods that are not subject to exchange and return on the grounds specified in paragraph 8.1. of this Agreement, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (

8.4. Exchange of Goods of proper quality, as well as exchange (replacement) of Goods with significant defects is carried out by the Seller by contacting the store administrator at the contact numbers listed in the section "CONTACTS" on the website: Online store "Lux Swiss" .

8.5. Buyer's requirements for exchange of Goods of proper quality, as well as Buyer's requirements for exchange (replacement) of Goods with significant defects, if the Seller has the Goods necessary for exchange or replacement, shall be immediately satisfied by the Seller, but in any case not later than 14 ( Fourteen) working days from the date of receipt from the Buyer specified in paragraph 8.4. of this Agreement statement.

8.6. If at the time of the Buyer's application to the Seller with a request to exchange the Goods of proper quality for another similar Goods required by the Buyer for the exchange of the Goods will not be on sale in the online store "Lux Swiss", the Buyer has the right to:

- or exchange the purchased Goods for any other Goods from among the Goods available for sale in the Lux Swiss Online Store with the corresponding transfer of the value of the Goods in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine;

- or terminate this Agreement in the manner prescribed by Section 9 of this Agreement.

- or exchange the received Goods for another similar Goods upon its first sale on the lux swiss online store. In this case, the Seller undertakes to notify the Buyer on the day of receipt of such Goods for sale.

8.7. Return by the Buyer of the Goods of proper quality, as well as return by the Buyer of the Goods with significant defects in connection with the exchange or replacement of such Goods is carried out in the manner prescribed by Section 10 of this Agreement.


9.1. The Buyer has the right to terminate this Agreement within 5 (five) working days from the date of receipt of the ordered Goods, as well as in other cases provided by this Agreement and current legislation of Ukraine, notifying the Seller in the manner prescribed by paragraph 9.2. of this Agreement.

9.2. Notice of termination of this Agreement is the statement of the Buyer on the return of funds paid for the Goods, sent to the Seller in the manner prescribed by paragraph 11.1. of this Agreement.

9.3. This Agreement is considered terminated from the moment the Seller receives the Buyer's application for a refund of funds paid for the Goods.


10.1. The Seller shall be liable for breach of its obligations under this Agreement in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

10.2. The Seller is released from liability for full or partial non-performance of its obligations under this Agreement, if such non-performance was the result of force majeure (force majeure).

10.3. For the purposes of this Agreement, force majeure means external and extraordinary events that did not exist at the time of this Agreement and occurred independently of the will of the Seller, provided that the Seller could not foresee such circumstances or prevent them from occurring by means of to demand and expect fairly.

10.4. Circumstances of force majeure include, but are not limited to: earthquakes, fires, floods, epidemics, epizootics, radiation or any nuclear source pollution, traffic accidents, hostilities, uprisings, riots, revolutions, strikes, terrorist acts, social conflicts, decisions of public authorities and local governments, blockades, embargoes, international sanctions, etc.

10.5. In case the Seller loses the opportunity to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement due to force majeure, the Seller undertakes to immediately notify the Buyer of the occurrence, type and possible duration of events that prevent the proper performance of obligations under this Agreement, within 5 (Five) working days from the date of occurrence of such circumstances.

10.6. All disputes and disagreements that arise between the Buyer and the Seller regarding the exercise of their rights and fulfillment of their obligations under this Agreement shall be resolved through negotiations.

10.7. In case of failure to reach an agreement on the subject matter of the dispute through negotiations, all disputes and differences between the Buyer and the Seller regarding the exercise of their rights and fulfillment of their obligations under this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with current legislation of Ukraine.


11.1. This Agreement is a public electronic agreement (offer) of retail purchase and sale of Goods at a distance by means of remote communication (Internet) through the online store "Lux Swiss".

11.2. Withdrawal or change of conditions of the offer (offer) concerning the conclusion of the given Public Contract, as well as change of conditions of the given public Contract can be carried out by the Seller at any time.

11.3. Withdrawal or change of conditions of the offer (offer) concerning the conclusion of the given Public Contract, as well as change of conditions of the given public Contract, cannot be the basis for:

- any revision or change of conditions or termination of agreements that have already been concluded by the Seller with the Buyers under the terms of this public Agreement;

- waiver by the Seller of the obligations under the agreements that have already been concluded with the Buyers under the terms of this public contract.

11.4. The terms of the offer (offer) for the conclusion of this public contract, as well as the terms of this public contract, are the same for all Buyers.

11.5. The offer (offer) of the Seller on the conclusion of this public Agreement is considered accepted by the Buyer in full from the moment of the conclusion by the Buyer of this public Agreement in the order established by item 3.3. of this Agreement.

11.6. The conclusion of this public Agreement (acceptance by the Buyer of the Seller's offer) is considered unconditional and full acceptance by the Buyer of all terms of this public Agreement without exceptions, including essential terms, as well as entering into relevant contractual relations with the Seller.

11.7. Confirmation of the fact of concluding this public contract is specified in clause 3.11. of this public Agreement sent by the Seller to the Buyer an automatic electronic message about the processing of the Order for the Goods.

11.8. Complete information about the Goods offered for sale in the online store "Lux Swiss" under the terms of this public contract, as well as the information specified in paragraph 3.5. of this Agreement, is available on the website: Online store "Lux Swiss".

11.9. By concluding this public Agreement, the Buyer gives his full and indefinite consent to receive from the Seller via SMS, e-mail, social networks, etc. information about the news of the online store "Lux Swiss", as well as about promotional offers and sales of goods conducted by the Seller. in the Lux Swiss online store. In this case, the Buyer has the right at any time to refuse to receive these information messages by filling out an electronic form of refusal to receive information messages from the Seller on the "Subscriptions" website: online store "Lux Swiss".

11.10. By filling out the form "Place an order" and / or going through the registration / authorization procedure on the website: of the online store "Lux Swiss". The Buyer gives his full and indefinite consent to:

- entry by the Seller (owner and manager of the personal data base) into the personal data base "Buyers" of the information provided by the Buyer, including information that according to the current legislation of Ukraine is considered personal data;

- dissemination by the Seller of information about the Buyer, including information that according to the current legislation of Ukraine is considered personal data, to third parties, including couriers and delivery services involved by the Seller, exclusively for the purposes provided for in paragraph 13.14. of this Agreement;

- dissemination by the Seller of information about the Buyer, including information that in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine is considered personal data, in cases expressly provided by the current legislation of Ukraine.

11.11. By filling out the form "Place an order" and / or going through the registration procedure on the website: of the online store "Lux". The Buyer gives his full and indefinite consent to the processing and use by the Seller of information about the Buyer, including information that according to the current legislation of Ukraine is considered personal data, exclusively for the following purposes:

- for the purpose of registration and identification of the Buyer in the online store "Lux Swiss";

- in order to renew the password of the Buyer's registration in the Lux Swiss Online Store;

- for marketing purposes, namely: notification of the Buyer via SMS, e-mail, social networks, etc. about the news of the online store "Lux", Promotional offers and sales of goods conducted by the Seller in the online store "Lux Swiss", market analysis consumption of the Goods, determination of the range of potential Buyers, determination of the needs of potential Buyers in the Goods offered for sale;

- for the purpose of conscientious performance by the Seller of the contractual obligations before the Buyer, including obligations concerning delivery of the Goods;

- in order for the Seller to comply with the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine, including the legislation on consumer protection.

11.12. On all issues that are not reflected in this public contract, the Parties are guided by the current legislation of Ukraine.

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